A MSN client written on Curses and Python
Project Status:
Working hard on the first Beta-Release.
Begined: May 2005.
Deadline: Jul 2005.
(Sorry, there's no download yet)
Sebastián Santisi (s (at)
MSNCP will be an easy, friendly and intuitive MSN client that could
run on a ASCII terminal.
It's only a Python script, doesn't requires installation or compilation.
The client is based on the Alberto Bertogli's msnlib.
When finished the MSNCP will provide a simple interfase to chat
on the MSN Messenger Service to all of the terminal's users under GNU/Linux
and similars.
The client is fully compatible with the MSN Client 3.5*.
It will bee licensed under the GNU's GPL license.
Screenshots: (It's a pre-beta version!)
We login our MSNCP client (yes, some in Spanish yet; the complete
client will have multilanguage support):

We changed the status (an easy ESC opens the popup menu, it allows command
line params like "/status online" too):

We oppened a chat with a friend (we have complete -and friendly- edition
tools in the message line):

A friend has opened a chat (note the * to mark an active chat) and
he talks to us (note the highlighted) (oops... watching the screenshot
I've found a bug :)):

With a simple and intuitive tab, arrow keys and enter we focused the
chat window to read the message (still are a connection):

The impatient friend is bored and closed the window (yes, in Spanish too...
understand, it's a pre-beta screenshot :)):

Just be patient, the beta release is comming soon...