

The program requires Python 2.3 or higher on your system to work. If you have Python 2.2 you can download textwrap and place it in the same directory than MSNCP files. On older versions the client doesn't work because the msnlib needs SSL to run.
Just download the package, uncompress it and run the msncp file, it doesn't need installation. The first time you run, a .msncp/ directory will be created at your HOME; you also can place here a msncprc file with your config options.


You can download the new Beta Release 0.8.0 here:


You can download the set of supported languages for the 0.8.0 version here (same than 0.7.0 version):
To make it work, just place it on your .msncp/languages directory; or specify a path for language directory on your msncprc config file.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.7.1-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.6.0-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.5.0-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.4.0-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.3.0-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.2.0-beta, you can download the languages package here.
If you're using the old MSNCP-0.1.1-beta, you can download the languages package here.


Since the client is on beta version it's unstable; to get the last version you can download it from the CVS repository.
The repository can be accessed with:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P modulename
When asked for password simply press enter. The modules available are msncp, msnlib and languages.
You can also access the repository via web here, but this content could be a couple of hours old.